Tuesday, September 11, 2012

More on Buntings!

Oh buntings how we love thee! To tell you the truth, its because of my sister that I got fascinated by this beautiful strings with flags. The ones she has at home are quite festive but the ones she makes are AMAZING!!! Those really inspire me! So I think that after getting acquainted with these beautiful buntings, I (we) started finding them everywhere!

We basically made it a point of whenever spotting them taking an instagram picture and using our #onebuntingaway tag!
I'm always happy when I find them: in London, they are very popular and chic! I also found a few while in Berlin and now and again I'll spot some here (Miami) but they are always in car sale lots haha!
Anyway, wherever they may be they'll bring a smile to my face because of the colors and how the wind will play with them...I guess they've become a part of my daily life!

So if you happen to spot buntings on your way, remember to tag them! My sister and I would love to see them!
Wishing you a bunting filled day!



  1. So, Yonavela, la traduccion exacta de buntings es: banderines? por lo que sospecho...pecho. Sabes, a mi tambien siempre me han encantado. Yo tengo unos en mi apto y son tibetanos (buenos, al menos me dicen donde los compre) Son bellos, y si te vas a las paginas de fotos del Tibet y sus pluebos, te vas a encontrar milloooones colgando donde quiera que mires. Parece que fueran mensajeros de alegria o buenas vibrass. Contame si los encontras. Un abrazo de Clarinete tu primita grandotooota.

    1. Hola china, en el ultimo te explico un poco de donde viene la idea, y tenias razon las mias tambien nacen en el Tibet! Algun dia!


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